Tips for styling dry hair the right way

Wrap hair in a towel after use or allow it to dry naturally in the open air, and do not expose it to a heat dryer immediately after washing it.

Leave the hair to dry before combing it, as the hair is sensitive and prone to breakage more when it is wet, so it is preferable to leave it to dry and then comb it, unless the hair is curly, such as: African hair, so it is preferable to comb it while it is wet to reduce the chances of it breaking.

Do not over-brush the hair, as combing the hair at a rate of 100 movements per day can cause hair to break.

Avoid using products that fix hair, such as: spraying fixing, as combing the hair after applying these products may cause hair breakage and loss.

It is preferable to blow dry hair, put low to medium heat and not use high heat. As for the device that is used to wrap the hair, it should not be left on the hair strand for more than two seconds, as the heat causes hair to break.

Do not use hair extensions constantly, as they cause hair to pull and break, which may cause permanent hair loss.


Causes of dry hair

And after we talked about ways to care for dry hair, we will know what are the reasons for dry hair in the following:


Exaggeration in washing hair and washing it daily.

Use strong or alcohol-based shampoo and detergents.

Frequent use of a hairdryer and thermal straightening of hair.

Malnutrition and anorexia nervosa, which leads to depriving the body of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of healthy and shiny hair.

Exposure to dry air, due to changing weather at certain times of the year.

Lazy thyroid gland

Lazy parathyroid gland

Menkes syndrome, a disease in which the body is unable to absorb copper, which affects the physical and mental development of the affected person.

Other hormonal imbalances.

you can also read this article: Dry hair care methods and tips to save your hair